Category: AWS
Installing Postgres and PhpPostgresAdmin on AWS RHEL host
Installing Postgresql 9.5 To setup YUM repositories, first disable the default postgres repo Edit the /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/rhnplugin.conf [main] section and append the following line exclude=postgresql* Install the official PGDG RPM file. Go to and find your correct RPM. For e.g. to install Postgres 9.5 on 64 bit RHEL yum localinstall Note:…
HowTo: Create a RHEL AWS Image (free tier)
This post lists the steps needed to create a simple RHEL image on Amazon AWS EC2 service, using the AWS free tier quota. Pre-requisites (Follow the steps given here. A brief overview is given below) Create a AWS account at (and choose sign in to console). If you are…
Root access for AWS Linux host (SU)
To login to AWS linux machine images, one has to use public/private key pairs. There are no passwords, so no way to gain root access. But, since the user with which we login has administrator privileges (ec2-user), using 'sudo' command doesn't require any password. So, to go to root user,…